A few days ago, Realme launched the 11x in the Indian market on September 6. Less than a week later, and the brand has already confirmed a new smartphone in the Realme 11 lineup. Realme India has taken up the teaser of this upcoming Realme 11 smartphone on X (formerly Twitter). Sadly, the smartphone brand has not revealed the name of the smartphone, instead, the teaser poster says,”Upcoming Realme number series.”
As mentioned, Realme has not shared anything except to confirm a new Realme 11 smartphone. But it is expected to launch under the same price range as the Realme 11 5G and Realme 11x 5G, under ₹20,000. The specifications might not differ much since the price range could be similar. Here’s a recap of Realme 11:
Also read: Realme 11 5G and Realme 11X 5G: 5 things that look good
Unlock the Next Level of Innovation with the #realme11Series5G! Elevate your user experience through exceptional design and breakthrough products. Join the 5G revolution and redefine possibilities! #DoubleAceDoubleLeap pic.twitter.com/s8jFYxoUgw
— realme (@realmeIndia) September 9, 2023The Realme 11 launched with a 6.72-inch IPS LCD 120Hz display with FHD+ resolution. The smartphone is equipped with a Mediatek Dimensity 6100+ processor paired with up to 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. The Realme 11 5G is packed with a 5000mAh battery with support of up to 67-watt fast charging.
On the camera front, it boasts a dual camera setup holding a 108-megapixel primary camera and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. For selfies, there is a 16-megapixel shooter.
Also read: Realme 11 5G and Realme 11 4G models go official: Price and features
We can expect something similar from this upcoming Realme 11 smartphone. This smartphone will be the fifth addition to the lineup along with Realme 11 5G, Realme 11x 5G, Realme 11 Pro 5G and Realme 11 Pro Plus 5G. The Realme 11 5G and 11x 5G were launched in India last month only, however, the Pro models rolled out in June.
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