The countdown for the release of the Apple iPhone 15 series has started. The tech giant is all set to hold its ‘Wonderlust’ event tomorrow where it is expected to unveil its next smartphone lineup, Watch Series 9, and more. A new report has claimed that in addition to discontinuing its lineup of leather cases this year, Apple might also start gradually discontinuing its silicone accessories.
According to a report by MacRumors, Apple might be planning to discontinue its silicone rubber and fluoroelastomer accessories and is expected to replace them with ones made of more eco-friendly next-generation materials.
Also read: Apple iPhone 15 updates: New 'FineWoven' cases to come in 10 colours, matching Apple Watch band
The transition is expected to include accessories like the iPhone Silicone Case with MagSafe, Sport Band, Solo Loop, and AirTag Loop. The rumour came from Apple device collector and leaker ‘Kosutami’ who previously shared details of the iPhone 15's braided USB-C cable, multiple prototypes like the MagSafe chargers and AirPods in different colour options, and more.
Also read: Apple iPhone 15 updates: New colours, reason behind price hike explained
Following the release of the iPhone 15 series, Apple is anticipated to discontinue its leather iPhone cases and replace them with accessories made of a high-end material dubbed ‘FineWoven’.
According to the report, the move of discontinuing silicone accessories “is not expected to be imminent, instead taking place via a more gradual transition whereby existing models are not refreshed with new color options.”
It's believed that the move to switch to more environmentally friendly materials is what led to the discontinuation of all leather and silicone Apple accessories. Apple's silicone rubber accessories are not created from recycled materials, despite having a reduced carbon footprint than their leather counterparts. Also, due to their heat-resistant qualities and sturdy, crosslinked structure, materials like fluoroelastomer are extremely challenging to recycle.
In the short term, ‘FineWoven’ is anticipated to replace leather as Apple's initial next-generation material, but it might also eventually replace some silicone accessories. Moreover, new fresh, greener materials might also be launched for additional accessories in the future.
from Mobile Phones News
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