Honor seems to be coming back with a new tablet in India. Honor’s next generation X series tablet, Honor Pad X9 has been spotted on Amazon. Currently Amazon is offering discounts on tablets, the Honor Pad X9 has been spotted there in a dedicated listing. The listing didn’t reveal much about the Pad X9. It was launched in other countries earlier this month. The launch date of Pad X9 for India has not been revealed yet but it seems to be very soon.
The Indian variant of Honor Pad X9 is expected to match the specifications with the global variant. Amazon’s listing revealed that the Pad X9 will boast an 11.5-inch 2K display with maximum 120Hz refresh rate support.
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The listing also confirmed 6 surround-sound speakers in the tablet and large memory. Along with the Honor Pad X9, the company could offer Honor Flip cover as well.
It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 685 SoC. Additionally, it is packed with a 7250mAh battery. It has a 5-megapixel primary camera on the back and a 5-megapixel selfie camera on the front. The Honor Pad X9 runs on Android 13 OS based MagicOS 7.1 skin on top.
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According to the specifications of the Honor Pad X9 global variant, the company is upgrading this generation in every manner. They are adding aluminium frame in the design, increasing display size, changing processor, changing 2-megapixel selfie shooter to 5-megapixel and also featuring a bigger battery. These upgrades would make a decent Honor X series tablet if compared to its predecessor.
from Tablets News https://ift.tt/OBvRxn0
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