WhatsApp is introducing the ability to use multiple WhatsApp accounts on one phone. WhatsApp is reportedly working on this feature that will nullify the need to carry 2 smartphones just because you have two numbers. No more resorting to parallel or clone apps or even the WhatsApp Business app for this purpose. This was spotted and revealed by WABetaInfo. Here’s what we know about it.
How WhatsApp multi-account feature worksThe feature is currently available in WhatsApp Business beta for Android version. However, it could very well make its way to the regular WhatsApp app before long.
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You will get an option in WhatsApp to choose the account you want to access. This might look something like a multiple-account facility on Instagram. You may get to see the account username or the phone number associated with it.
Tapping the account you want to log into, takes you in.
When you log into a WhatsApp account, it will be stored in the device until you decide to remove it. And so, you can switch to it whenever you want.
This could be a highly nifty feature to have for many of us. In case you are wondering how, here, have a look:
Various uses and benefits of having WhatsApp multi-account on one phone1. You will be able to separate personal conversations and social interactions from work-related discussions.
2. If you are in a foreign country or travel abroad frequently, you may have multiple phone numbers and multiple WhatsApp accounts.
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3. You don’t have to allocate precious storage space on your phone for multiple parallel/clone apps. You don’t have to manage WhatsApp on different devices either.
We can’t wait to try it when it finally lands on regular WhatsApp for Android or iOS.
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