HyperX Cloud III gaming headset has been launched in India after its recent debut at Computex 2023. It comes as a successor to the Cloud II model and brings a 53mm audio driver, 10mm microphone, and DTS:X Spatial Audio, among other features.
HyperX Cloud 3 specs and features1. HyperX Cloud 3 is packing a 53mm audio driver. This is backed by DTS Headphone:X Spatial Audio for an immersive surround sound experience.
2. For in-game calls and conversations, you get a 10mm microphone. There is a mute option and an LED to indicate its status.
3. You get the mic mute button and volume controls on the earcups. This should prove convenient for gamers to pause and be aware of their surroundings.
4. HyperX has equipped the Cloud 3 with a 3.5mm headphone jack, a USB-C port and a USB-A socket. This lets you use the headset in a wired state as well as connect it to PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac and mobile devices.
5. Another aspect that hardcore gamers are likely to appreciate is the comfort its memory foam build lends, especially during long gaming sessions.
“Cloud III is our new and better Cloud gaming headset. HyperX Cloud is known for being very comfortable for gamers and we made Cloud III even more comfortable with new materials and fit. We also made the sound better with new drivers and tuning. And, we made the microphone better with noise-cancellation and a metal mesh pop filter,” notes the brand.
HyperX Cloud 3 price and availabilityHyperX Cloud III is available to buy at ₹8,490 on Amazon India. You can pick it in two colour options viz. Black and Black/Red.
from Gaming News https://ift.tt/SgKBbcf
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