Redmi 12C is launching in India on March 30 alongside Redmi Note 12 4G. Ahead of the event, the company is hosting a dedicated microsite teasing the key features of the 12C. This includes a 6.71-inch display, a 5000mAh battery, a MediaTek Helio G85 processor, up to 11GB RAM (including 5GB virtual memory), 50MP AI dual rear camera setup, and a striped design with 4 colour options. Here is everything we know about Redmi 12C.
Redmi 12C specs and features (as teased)Since the phone has launched in China already, we also gather some details from that variant’s specs. We assume the two phones will be mostly the same.
1. Redmi 12C is said to bring a big 6.71-inch display. This could be an IPS LCD panel with a waterdrop notch, HD+ resolution, and 500 nits of brightness.
2. Although the brand has teased 50MP AI dual camera at the back of the device, it hasn’t specified the secondary sensor details. This is likely a 0.08 MP depth sensing module. The front camera on the phone could be a 5MP shooter.
3. The processor inside is MediaTek’s Helio G85. This is coupled with up to 11GB of RAM including 5gigs of extended memory. It could also bring eMMC 5.1 storage and memory card support.
4. The innards of the phone will have a place for a 5000mAh battery. This is most likely backed by a 10W micro-USB charger.
5. Finally, the device is shown to sport 4 colours including Violet, Green (Mint), Blue, and Black. It also sports a striped design.
Speaking of which, you can hop over to the microsite and take part in a fun game of sorts to stand a chance of winning a brand-new Redmi 12C. Here’s what you got to do:
1. Visit this link and hit the Notify Button towards the top quarter of the page.
2. There is a fast-moving animation of the Redmi 12C text. You have to take its screenshot in a way that the text is aligned. You’ll know what we mean once you take a look at it on the Mi page.
3. Share the screenshot on Twitter along with the hashtag #Redmi12C and #BigonSpeedBigonStyle.
That’s it. Redmi is likely to pick a winner out of all the participants and the lucky winner could be you.
from Mobile Phones News
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