HTC is ready to take preorders for the upcoming Vive XR Elite, which is a virtual and augmented reality headset. This headset has been designed to compete with Meta’s Quest headsets along with the Apple AR/VR device.
Vive XR Elite specificationsxx`
The Vive XR Elite has a screen resolution of 2K pixels per eye, 12GB RAM, 128GB storage, a 110-degree diagonal field of view, and a 90Hz refresh rate. The device runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2, which is the same chipset in the Meta Quest 2. The device has four wide-angle cameras along with lens diopter adjustment options that do not require people to wear glasses. It also lets you adjust the distance between lenses. The headset comes with a USB-C charger along with a battery that lasts 10 hours.
The headset will also come with two accessories, one that supports face tracking and another that supports eye tracking.
Vive XR Elite priceThe Vive XR Elite is going to be priced at $1,099. This product is intended to be a part of a standalone AR/VR market, which will start flourishing in a few years. The headset can be used to play games, enjoy different types of content, and even handle productivity-related tasks.
The Vive XR Elite is not the only exciting VR announcement made during CES 2023. PlayStation has also announced its VR games.
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