Apple recently introduced the new iPhone 14 series, Apple Watch 8 Series, and the AirPods Pro 2. After the recent launch, people were now expecting a new MacBook launch event in October. However, according to a report by Apple analyst, Mark Gurman this might not be the case. He revealed that Apple is planning not to hold any event this year to launch any new product. He believes that the company might make a soft release instead of a launch event.
Apple has previously also decided to launch new products via press releases. If we were to believe the renowned Apple analyst, the company might unveil M2 and M2 Pro-powered Mac mini, 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros with M2 Pro and M2 Max chips and 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pros with vanilla M2 chips.
No new Apple MacBook and iPad event this OctoberHowever, the deliveries of the product will only begin next year, even if the company decides to launch new Mac Pros in October.
Apple has a number of products lined up to launch next year, including a highly anticipated Reality Pro headset. Meanwhile, a new HomePod with improvements, an S8 chip and a multi-touch capability are also in line. A refreshed Apple TV with an A14 Bionic chip and increased RAM is also likely to make its entrance.
There is no speculation yet of a teaser coming out of Apple regarding the October launch. However, no official statement has been made by the company so far.
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