OnePlus 10T is all set to launch on August 3 in India. Today, OnePlus revealed that the OnePlus 10T will arrive in two colours: Moonstone Black and Jade Green colours. The Moonstone Black colour seems to have a shimmering matte finish while the Jade Green colour has a glossy finish. OnePlus has been teasing the launch of the 10T for quite some time now and has officially revealed information about its cameras which won't have the Hasselblad tuning as the OnePlus 10 Pro. OnePlus has also confirmed that it will be debuting OxygenOS 13 with the OnePlus 10T on August 3 globally. Here's everything we know about the OnePlus 10T.
Channeling our favorite minerals, the #OnePlus10T comes in shimmery Moonstone Black and creamy Jade Green. Which one do you like better?
— OnePlus (@oneplus) July 24, 2022 OnePlus 10T expected specificationsThe OnePlus 10T is rumoured to feature a 6.7-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate support. It is expected to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset which is an upgrade to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 found on the OnePlus 10 Pro. This is likely to be paired with up to 12GB RAM and 256GB storage options to choose from. The OnePlus 10T is also going to be the first phone to run on OxygenOS 13 out of the box.
The OnePlus 10T could have a 50MP main camera along with a 16MP ultra-wide camera a 2MP depth sensor. On the front, there's expected to be a 32MP selfie camera. The 10T is expected to feature a 4,800mAh battery with support for 150W fast charging.
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