Redmi K50i could be the return of Redmi K-series smartphones in India. Noted tipster Ishan Agarwal has shared via 91Mobiles that this will be the first phone with Mediatek Dimensity 8100 5G processor and a 144Hz LCD screen in the country. Well, these are the specifications that the soon-to-be-announced Poco X4 GT reportedly packs and both these Xiaomi phones seem to share similarities with Redmi Note 11T Pro. The Note 11T Pro debuted in China last month. So, going by the rumours and leaks, we could round up the likely specifications of the Redmi K50i too. Let’s just do that.
Redmi K50i 5G Specs and Features (Expected)Ishan claims the phone is going to come with a 6.6-inch IPS LCD panel with FHD+ resolution, 144Hz refresh rate, 650 nits of brightness, and Dolby Vision support.
On the front, there could be a 16MP selfie clicker and on the back, you could get a 64MP + 8MP + 2MP triple camera stack.
Internally, the Redmi K50i 5G is said to feature a MediaTek Dimensity 8100 along with 6/8GB RAM, 128GB storage, and 5080mAh battery with 67W fast charging.
The charger could plug in through a USB-C port. Alongside it, there could be a 3.5mm headphone jack. The Redmi smartphone is also expected to bear Dolby Atmos backed stereo speakers and Android-based MIUI 13 software.
We will get to know how accurate these predictions and claims are, only whence the company releases the K50i in India. There is no word on the launch date yet. We will keep you posted.
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