More than a month after the regular Z6 5G’s launch, iQOO India has launched the Z6 Pro 5G smartphone in the market. In the days leading up to today’s event, we ran across the alleged renders and specifications of the iQOO Z6 Pro 5G. Even the brand was generous enough to spill some key details about the device like the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor and a 66W fast charging support.
Let’s check out the officially confirmed iQOO Z6 Pro specifications now and see how close the leaks were.
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G Specs and FeaturesiQOO Z6 Pro 5G is having a 6.44-inch FHD+ 90Hz AMOLED display with a 180Hz touch sampling rate, 1300 nits peak brightness, HDR10+ support, and a waterdrop notch. Inside that notch is a megapixel snapper for selfies and video calls. The camera setup, on the other side, has got a 64MP frontrunner followed by an ultrawide and a macro sensor.
Unlocking the phone takes you to Funtouch OS based on Android 12. This is slapped on top of the Snapdragon 778G 5G compatible chipset. You can pick the device in up to 12GB RAM along with the Extended RAM 2.0 feature. So, that’s 2GB virtual memory on the 6GB model and 4GB on the 8/12GB variants.
The phone is kept alive by a 4700mAh battery and 66W wired FlashCharge combo. To entice the mobile gamers, the Z6 Pro is also geared up with a 4D linear vibration motor and a 32,923 mm2 Liquid Cooling chamber.
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G India Price and AvailabilityThe iQOO Z6 Pro 5G will be retailing through Amazon at ₹
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