Poco India has teased the launch day of Poco M4 Pro to be on February 28. Now as some of you may recall, this is the same day that the phone is debuting on the global market too. Also, don’t confuse this with the Poco M4 Pro 5G phone that launched in India last week. This titular model will be 4G only and is also rumoured to be a rebranded version of the Redmi Note 11S phone, also something that landed in the country recently. The device is rumoured to come with a MediaTek Helio G96, a 90Hz FHD+ AMOLED screen, a triple rear camera setup, and a 5000 milliamp battery.
Here’s everything you can look forward to on the phone, at least as far as speculations go.
Poco M4 Pro 4G Specs and Features (Expected)Poco M4 Pro 4G could sport a 6.4-inch AMOLED panel with a 90Hz refresh rate, 1080p resolution, and a punch-hole cutout in the middle. The sensor inside could be of 16-megapixels. The back cameras, meanwhile, could be a 64MP primary one, an 8MP super wide view sensor, and a 2MP token macro shooter.
Under the hood, the device could be engined by a MediaTek Helio G96 bolstered by up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage.
The battery in charge could be a 5000mAh one backed by a 33W adapter.
Other components in the mix may be a side-mounted fingerprint scanner, a USB-C port, and a dual stereo speaker setup.
Now, even though there are major similarities between this and the Redmi Note 11S, you may notice there could be differences such as the cameras. The Note 11S cones with a 108MP quartet. However, nothing can be said for certain as these are just early guesstimates.
We will find out the full details around the device’s specs, price, and availability on February 28 at 7 PM. So, you should tune in for the same.
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